Saturday, December 4, 2021

Belajar Di Era Digital

Sejak dunia dihadapkan terhadap pandemi virus corona, hampir seluruh sektor berubah. Begitu juga dengan dunia pendidikan, yang harus menyesuikan dengan keaadaan. karena perubahan begitu cepat maka banyak satuan pendidikan megap-megap menghadapinya. Semuanya serba online/daring, banyak yang tidak siap, tetapi akhirnya dipaksa untuk melaksanakan. 
Dalam era ini anak-anak, orang tua dan guru harus sigap melakukan pembelajaran secara online. Guru tidak asal memberi tugas dengan semena-mena, asal menggurkan kewajiban. Belajar online memang tidak mudah tetapi bukan berarti harus dilakukan tanpa persiapan. 
Siswa dipaksa menyerap materi dengan usaha yang lebih keras, bagi yang dibimbing orangtua mungkin mereka terbantu, tetapi jika orangtua sibuk anak-anak hanya belajar lewat HP tanpa pengawasan orang tuanya.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Kurikulum Baru 2013

Saat ini berita paling hangat di dunia pendidikan Indonesia adalah kurikulum 2013 dan dikabulkannya penghapusan RSBI. Kuriklum di indonesia memang sering berganti, dengan dalih disesuaikan dengan kemajuan zaman. Sayangnya pergantian kurikulum ini kadang tidak disertai dengan hasil evaluasi yang transparan bahwa kurikulum sebelumnya tidak berhasil atau tidak tercapai. Banyak konsekuensi dari pergantian kurikulum selain berbiaya tinggi, banyak kalangan yang pesimis akan tercapainya tujuan kurikulum itu sendiri. terlepas dari itu program dan kebijakan baru pasti menuai pro dan kontra. walau telah diuji publik tetap saja akan menimbulkan kebingungan pada guru-guru, terutama yang ada didaerah. Pemerintah rencana juga melatih guru pelatih untuk kurikulum baru ini, tapi untuk program berapa tahun sosialisasi itu. pada akhirnya banyak korban dari kebijakan yang tidak disadari oleh mereka yang duduk di pusat pemerintahan.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

RSBI Harus Dibubarkan

JAKARTA, - Penyelenggaraan sekolah berstatus rintisan bertaraf internasional (RSBI/SBI), secara konsep bertentangan dengan falsafah pendidikan nasional. Karena itu RSBI harus dibubarkan, agar kekeliruan pendidikan tidak bertambah parah.
Saya menuntut pemerintah secepatnya membubarkan RSBI/SBI di Bumi Indonesia yang merdeka dan berdaulat. - Daoed Joesoef
Hal ini dikatakan dua saksi ahli pemohon mantan menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Daoed Joesoef, serta ahli filsafat dan manajemen pendidikan, HAR Tilaar, dalam sidang uji materi UU Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional yang mengatur RSBI/SBI, di Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) Jakarta, Selasa (15/5/2012).

Sidang dengan agenda mendengarkan keterangan saksi dan ahli dari pemohon dan pemerintah, dipimpin Ketua MK Mahfud MD.

Daoed mengatakan, dia sangat menentang pengembangan sekolah RSBI/SBI. "Saya menuntut pemerintah secepatnya membubarkan RSBI/SBI di Bumi Indonesia yang merdeka dan berdaulat," kata Daoed.

Menurut Daoed, dia menentang cara dan standar yang dipilih pemerintah untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dengan sistem RSBI/SBI, yang menciptakan pengkastaan dan melegalkan pemakaian bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar dalam pendidikan.
"Saya bukan menolak peningkatan mutu pendidikan ke internasional atau pembelajaran bahasa asing. Tetapi jika yang dilaksanakan dengan RSBI/SBI, pemerintah terlalu simplistis," kata Daoed.

Dalam pandangannya, Daoed menentang keras sikap pemerintah yang sengaja menciptakan kekastaan dalam masyarakat. Pemerintah mengembangkan kelompok anak yang ceradas sedemikian rupa, namun ada juga kelompok anak yang nantinya bakal sekadar jadi "penonton" dalam pembangunan.

Sementara HAR Tilaar mengatakan, pendidikan RSBI/SBI Indonesia yang mengacu pada negara-negara industri maju yang tergabung dalam OECD, menunjukkan Indonesia tidak memiliki kemerdekaan budaya.
"Indonesia justru harus bisa menemukan kekuatan sendiri, dengan berlandaskan pada kebudayaannya, termasuk dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan," kata Tilaar.

Menurut Tilaar, pendidikan RSBi/SBI hanya menghasilkan manusia yang pintar secara intelektual, bukan manusia yang berkarakter dan berbudaya.   

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Beasiswa Belajar di Turki, Santri Harus Hafal Juz' Amma - Kementrian Agama Republik indonesia bekerja sama dengan Yayasan Pusat Persatuan Kebudayaan Islam Indonesia-Turki (United Islamic Cultural Centre of Indonesia-Turkey) menawarkan program beasiswa belajar di pesantren Turki bagi para santri Indonesia. 

Program ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pendidikan Qira’atil Qur’an dan Tahfidzul Qur’an;  memberikan pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Bahasa Turki; dan ketiga, memberikan pendidikan Fiqih dan Akidah Islamiyah. 

Terdapat dua program beasiswa yang diberikan, yaitu Program tahfidz Al-Quran dan Bahasa, serta program Bahasa. Untuk program tahfidz Al-Quran diutamakan untuk peserta yang minimal telah menghafal Al-Quran Juz Amma. Sementara itu untuk program bahasa, diperuntukkan bagi peserta yang telah menghapal Al-Quran 30 juz.

Persyaratan lainnya adalah santri berusia 13-18 tahun dari pesantren tingkat MTS/ SMP sederajat, disiplin, tidak merokok, berakhlak mulia, dan fasih membaca Al-Quran dengan tajwidnya. 

Batas waktu pendaftaran dibuka mulai tanggal 10 April s/d 8 Juni 2012 dan dapat diakses melalui Kanwil Kemenag Provinsi setempat atau Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, silahkan buka website

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hasil UKA 2012 Guru SD Surakarta

aftar Peserta Lulus UKA Sertifikasi Guru 2012
KOTA SURAKARTA [1.219 peserta ], SD [330]
1 2 3 4 5 6 >>
No NUPTK Nomor Peserta Nama Pola Sertifikasi
1 7762752654200002 12036102710810 ABDUL MUTHOLIB PLPG
2 7135751653200003 12036115710729 ACHMAD MUNAWAR PLPG
3 4234754656200003 12036102711014 Achmad Rasyid Ridha PLPG
4 5148748651200013 12036102710560 ACHMAD ROIS JAZULI PLPG
5 3360749651300073 12036106210632 AFIDA SETIATI PLPG
6 6939745648200082 12036102710360 AHMAD SAIKHU PLPG
7 5736755657200002 12036102711077 AL MAHMUDI ZAILANI PLPG
8 3558757658110032 12036102711212 ALIM SALEH PLPG
9 2354746649300013 12036102710427 AMBAR SULISTYANINGSIH PLPG
10 0433748649300022 12036122010335 AMINAH PLPG
11 8434743646300002 12036102710240 AMINAH PLPG
12 1342738640300023 12036102710049 ANASTASIA SRI SUNARNI PLPG
13 1160744647300013 12036122010319 ANDI SRI NENOWATI PLPG
14 2559750650300003 12036102710719 ANIK HANDAYANINGSIH PLPG
15 1256755656200003 12036122011111 ANTONIUS PURBOYO PLPG
16 4533755656200002 12036102711050 ANWAR SUDRAJAD PLPG
17 1757757662300002 12036102711224 APRILINA KURNIAWATI PLPG

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Nanan Soekarna Lead Moge Harley Davidson Club Pol Komjen Nanan Soekarna will apply the principle of "No Accident, No Complaint".

ViVAnews - Deputy Chief of National Police Commissioner General of Police Nanan Soekarna elected as Chairman of the Harley Davidson Club Indonesia (HDCI) for the period 2011-2016. Nanan was selected after successfully gathered 14 votes and outperformed the incumbent candidate, R Soeyono, who only received 8 votes from 22 Regional Board who attended the National Conference HDCI 5th, Saturday, July 2, 2011.

Under his leadership the next five years, Nanan Soekarna committed to implementing the principle of "No and No Accident Complaint" against HDCI. The principle was regarded as a new spirit for these large motor groups.

"No and No Accident Complaint is the main principle for HDCI in my stewardship. It is the duty of the bikers in HDCI," Nanan said in Makassar, Saturday, July 2, 2011.

With the principle "No and No Accident Complaint" was, Nanan is committed to bringing HDCI be an example for users of other motorcycles in Indonesia. Nanan not want to hear any complaint or protest from the public against the bikers in HDCI. He will also implement a No accident as part of a safety campaign.

Nanan admitted concern with the number of accidents in Indonesia is 56 percent occurred on the bikers. Of these victims, the majority of those whose age between 19-30 years, or not derived from a large motor users. Because the users average motor Bedar has been aged over 40 years.

"Hence, the large motor bikers want to set the example for prioritizing traffic safety riding," please Nanan.

For the big bike biker who became a member HDCI, Nanan remind the rules in the organization. Ie have AD / ART based Pancasila. Nanan also deliver, so that all members HDCI keep the organization free from the exploitation of political interests.

"We are an organization hobby, so let's leave the ranks and not to HDCI politicized," said Nanan. (ren)

Friday, April 30, 2010

Mysterious Explosion Police: Explosion of Space Objects

JAKARTA, - if the crime results by the team from the Central Forensic Laboratory of Police Headquarters indicating a possible source of the explosion that happened at a house in Jalan Delima Gang VI 2, Family Malaka Sari, Kecamatan Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, came from outside the body space or a space object.

"While the conclusion that there are objects outside menghatam into the house," said East Jakarta District Police Chief Kombes Hasanudin on site, Friday (04/30/2010).

According to Hasanuddin, explosion certainly not from the gas cylinder or from explosives. At the scene, two tubes of gas is still intact and can not find black powder, or other suspicious objects.

Ballistics Department Heads Police Headquarters Kombes Metalorgi PUSLABFOR Amri Kamil said it took the dust from the suspected location of space debris objects at home Sudarmojo. Dust was going through a laboratory test. "Tomorrow's results will be known, what it was," he said.

When asked if ever there was a similar incident before, Amri said, "There has never happened like this," he replied.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

China artist Zhang Ziyi caught Earthquake Donation Scandal

BEIJING, - Artist Zhang Ziyi China allegedly holding donations collected donations for Szechuan earthquake victims during the 2008 Cannes Film Festival that same year.

Zhang's fiance, multi-millionaire Vivi Nevo, is reported to have founded the Foundation on behalf of Zhang Ziyi Zhang in the United States to conduct fundraising activities for the earthquake victims.

Citing information from a close friend Nevo in Hong Kong, some media accuse China Foundation donated funds Zhang Ziyi is the Red Cross should be earmarked China, moved to personal accounts overseas Zhang and settled there nearly 18 months after he tried to raise funds in Cannes.

Zhang Ziyi actively raise funds for the Cannes Fim Festival in 2008 for the victims of the deadly earthquake and the magnitude 8.0 on the Richter Scale in Szechuan, China.

Zhang was reportedly promised to donate one million yuan (or U.S. $ 208,000) and invite participants to contribute to the festival victims of natural disasters that killed more that 60,000 people.

Following the statement of Zhang Ziyi in January that he had "let the questions about this issue and explain the status of donations soon," manager Zhang, Ji Ling Ling told the media on Tuesday affirmed China, "details of the donation will be explained later this week."

Some people believe Zhang may not realize that the donation of funds saved in an account in his name, parked for so long,

Artist China Zhou Xun and Vicki Zhao, and singer Na Ying is also affected by the donations scandal Zhang Ziyi. Community questioned about this donation.

A group of hooded men in black ink splashed on the window and took a giant poster of Zhang Ziyi, gathered at the Park Hyatt Beijing, and give the symbol "Gate Donation Fraud" to question where the hell the earthquake donations contributions into personal accounts Zhang.

It is not known whether this scandal will threaten Zhang-contract contract. According to some media reports of China, representatives from advertising brands that use Zhang Ziyi as a model, was reluctant to comment on this donation scandal. (The Channel News Asia / KSP)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Visited Jogjakarta

For some people who had come to this city, will surely feel great longing to leave the city as this one. It is the capital of Jogjakarta is known as a tourist destination has a variety of tourist attractions. Some Jogja tourism assets that have been popular in Indonesia (and even the international) is a temple of Borobudur, Prambanan Temple, Kaliurang, Parangtritis, and much more.

In addition to the interesting sights, native foods of Jogja also miss the tourists who had come to this city. Call it a delicious Gudeg kendilnya, sego cats (angkringan), wedang round, bakpia Pathuk, and much more. In the center of Malioboro Yogyakarta city we could find along the way malioboro cendramata it. And for souvenirs that are sold there are also very cheap and varied as long as we are good at bargaining.

TThe famous market in downtown Yogyakarta is Bringhardjo market, this market sells many unique batik batik-Jogja, Yogyakarta dishes are also sold at the front Bringhardjo market. There are also many tourist attractions the city of Yogyakarta in the middle, call it the Sultanate Palace, Taman Sari.

Yogyakarta also has a distinctive T-shirts sold only there, namely "Dagadu". T-shirts for sale center original Dagadu centered behind Kranggan market. Kaos Dagadu could be a souvenir that fit to your relatives or friends, because this unique t-shirt t-shirts once in the many writings that funny.

So there is no harm if for the holidays, we select the city tour of Jogjakarta as a destination for vacationing with family. Enjoy your vacation.

Ani Nurdwiyanti is swaberita contributors and can be reached at ani.nurdwiyanti @


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Actress Jessica Biel

Kilimanjaro Expedition

Hollywood actress, Jessica Biel (27), Tuesday (12 / 1), along with the expedition team 'summit on the summit "was trying to get through the track's expedition to the summit the highest mountain in Africa, Kilimanjaro (5895 meters above sea level). This expedition had a mission awareness about the importance of clean water.

Encouraged the international community to realize the condition of the water crisis and is recommended in order to contribute. Every 1 U.S. dollar equals 100 liters of clean water is safe to eat. Biel participate in the group famous people, such as rapper Lupe Fiasco, actress Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) Isabel Lucas, and actor Speed Racer (2008) Emile Hirsch. The expedition was organized by the famous singer and producer of Africa, Kenna, with the hook of the sponsor.
Biel admitted surprise when I discovered more than one billion people worldwide have had no access to clean water. "In fact, water is a primary need of man," he said.
He was very proud to join the expedition. "As much as possible I help to raise awareness of the threat of water scarcity, not only for Africa, but throughout the world. My spirit is high-high, "said Elizabethtown is a movie star. ( / AMR)

Source: Koran Kompas, Friday January 15, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Modern Lifestyle Technology

Nowadays in this modern versatile and practical, requires people to not be left behind in all respects, including in the field of technology. A lot of people vying to be the best in terms of understanding the technology. Digital lifestyle (digital lifestyle) is a term often used to describe the modern lifestyle that is full of information technology.

Very important role of information technology to streamline everything we do, both in the present and future, with a goal of achieving maximum efficiency and productivity. Certainly can not be denied again, that information technology is playing a major role in improving efficiency.

Of course, technology is not a bad thing. Technology as written in Wikipedia (free online) is a broad term relating to the use of human knowledge and the means. Technology seen as a process of interaction between human beings and the environment. Technology can be viewed in general as a process of human activity for practical purposes in order to simplify life.

So what is important is how we understand the purpose of these technologies and how to use it. Various forms of technology should be used by humans for the good and not vice versa. Technology should not regulate people. Is people who should regulate the technology. Therefore, human welfare is the main purpose of the existence of technology.

Ani Nurdwiyanti is swaberita contributors and can be reached at ani.nurdwiyanti @


Penanganan Siswa bermasalah Di Kelas

 Penanganan siswa bermasalah di kelas merupakan salah satu tantangan yang sering dihadapi oleh para pendidik. Berikut beberapa strategi yang...