Saturday, February 6, 2010

China artist Zhang Ziyi caught Earthquake Donation Scandal

BEIJING, - Artist Zhang Ziyi China allegedly holding donations collected donations for Szechuan earthquake victims during the 2008 Cannes Film Festival that same year.

Zhang's fiance, multi-millionaire Vivi Nevo, is reported to have founded the Foundation on behalf of Zhang Ziyi Zhang in the United States to conduct fundraising activities for the earthquake victims.

Citing information from a close friend Nevo in Hong Kong, some media accuse China Foundation donated funds Zhang Ziyi is the Red Cross should be earmarked China, moved to personal accounts overseas Zhang and settled there nearly 18 months after he tried to raise funds in Cannes.

Zhang Ziyi actively raise funds for the Cannes Fim Festival in 2008 for the victims of the deadly earthquake and the magnitude 8.0 on the Richter Scale in Szechuan, China.

Zhang was reportedly promised to donate one million yuan (or U.S. $ 208,000) and invite participants to contribute to the festival victims of natural disasters that killed more that 60,000 people.

Following the statement of Zhang Ziyi in January that he had "let the questions about this issue and explain the status of donations soon," manager Zhang, Ji Ling Ling told the media on Tuesday affirmed China, "details of the donation will be explained later this week."

Some people believe Zhang may not realize that the donation of funds saved in an account in his name, parked for so long,

Artist China Zhou Xun and Vicki Zhao, and singer Na Ying is also affected by the donations scandal Zhang Ziyi. Community questioned about this donation.

A group of hooded men in black ink splashed on the window and took a giant poster of Zhang Ziyi, gathered at the Park Hyatt Beijing, and give the symbol "Gate Donation Fraud" to question where the hell the earthquake donations contributions into personal accounts Zhang.

It is not known whether this scandal will threaten Zhang-contract contract. According to some media reports of China, representatives from advertising brands that use Zhang Ziyi as a model, was reluctant to comment on this donation scandal. (The Channel News Asia / KSP)

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